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( QFIL ) Qualcomm Flash Image Loader Modified Free Auth Xiomi


EDL Auth Supported Devices:

- PocoPhone F1 (Beryllium)
- PocoPhone M3 (Citrus)
- Redmi Note 9 4G / Redmi 9T (lime)
- Redmi Note 8 (ginkgo)
- Redmi Note 8T (willow)
- Redmi Note 5 Pro (whyred)
- Redmi Note 6 Pro (tulip)
- Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet)
- Redmi Note 7 (lavendar)
- Mi 8 (dipper)
- Mi 8 Lite (platina)
- Mi 8 SE(srius)
- Mi 8 EE(equuleus)
- Mi 8 Pro/UD(ursa)
- Mi 9 SE (grus)
- Mi CC9 (pyxis)
- Mi CC9E (laurus)
- Mi 6X (wayne)
- Mi Max 3 (nitrogen)
- Mi 5X (tiffany)
- Mi A2 Lite (daisy)
- Redmi 6 Pro (sakura)
- Redmi 7A (pine)
- Redmi 8 (olive)
- Redmi 8A (olivelite)
- Redmi 8 Pro/DUAL (olivewood)
- Redmi S2 (ysl)

( QFIL ) Qualcomm Flash Image Loader Modified:
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