Android Utility v114 00.1482:04:08:2023 Without Smart Card Edition (Limited)
Android Utility - [v114.00.𝟙𝟜𝟠𝟚:04:08:2023] No Smart Card Edition (Limited:
⦿ added Qualcomm (Read DevINFO/Read QCN/Write QCN) via Diagnostics mode.
⦿ added LG activate browser via MTP (LG Serial PORT).
⦿ tested on LG Reflect TracFone - LGL555DL (MTK).
⦿ This software was made for educational purposes only!
We allow the use of it under certain circumstances, and it's provided 'as-is',
without any express or implied warranty,
in no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
⦿ Please only use it for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
⦿ USE it at your own risk.
Android Utility v114 With Card:
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Maz AriEffAugust 5, 2023 at 7:36 AMProfileMaz AriEffSaid: Untuk atasi smartcard not detect silahkan pakai box atau dongle yg ada smartcard nya, karna dari developer hanya di kususkan bagi yg punya box atau dongle saja,-.View profileUntuk atasi smartcard not detect silahkan pakai box atau dongle yg ada smartcard nya, karna dari developer hanya di kususkan bagi yg punya box atau dongle saja,-.Reply
zakyAugust 4, 2023 at 7:13 PMProfilezakySaid: masih tetap minta smartcardView profilemasih tetap minta smartcardReply
AgungAugust 4, 2023 at 6:45 PMProfileAgungSaid: masih tetap muncul peringatan "smart card not detected" pada saat buka aplikasiView profilemasih tetap muncul peringatan "smart card not detected" pada saat buka aplikasiReply